There once was a king who enjoyed spending his spare time in the company of philosophers and friends. debating various subjects. One afternoon, the debate concerned where beauty lies. As they were talking together on the terrace of the palace, the king and his friends could see their children playing in the courtyard. The king called to one of his servants. He gave him a jeweled crown and asked him to place it upon the head of the most beautiful child in the courtyard.
The servant took the crown and walked out to the middle of the courtyard where all the children were playing as their parents watched from the terrace.
First the servant placed the crown on the head of the king's son. The crown suited the king's son well as he is a handsome young boy, but somehow, the servant was not satisfied. He then tried it on the head of another child, and another, until he came upon his own son, who was sitting in the corner. He placed the crown on his son's head and found that it suited him wonderfully.
The servant then took his son by the hand and led him to the king. When he reached the terrace, he bowed his head and spoke; "Sir, I have found that of all the children, the crown suits this one best. Indeed, if I tell the truth I must say this. I am ashamed to appear so bold for the son of my humble self."
Then the king and those beside him laughed very heartily and thanked the servant for they thought his son to be very ugly indeed. The king walked over to the servant and said; "You have certainly told me what I wish to know that true beauty is found in the heart of the beholder ."