Monday, 27 May 2019

Successful People Wakes Up Early

Wake up early is a trait that many successful people share. From famous people in history like Benjamin Franklin to CEOs of fortune 500 companies, athletes, entertainers and entrepreneurs.

Some studies shown that 90% of executives wake up before 6 am on weekdays and nearly 50% of self-made millionaires wake up at least three hours before their workday actually begins. Below shows the list of successful people who wake up early:-
  • Tim Cook (Apple CEO) wakes up at 3:45 am every morning to go through email,exercise and a cup of coffee.
  • Dwayne '" The Rock" Johnson is already in the gym by 4:00 am
  • Indra Noovi (PepsiCo CEO) rises at 4:00 am
  • Howard Schultz (Starbucks Exec) gets up at 4:30 am to walk his dogs, exercise and a cup of coffee.
  • Jack Dorsey (co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square) wakes at 5:00 am to meditate, exercise, make coffee, and check for his work day.
  • Jeff Weiner (LinkedIn CEO) wakes at 5:30 am to check email, reads the news, exercise, meditates and eats breakfast
  • Gary Vaynerchuk (co-founder and CEO of VaynerMedia) wakes up at 6:00 am every single day
  • Oprah Winfrey wakes up naturally between 6:02 and 6:20 am and gets her day going.

There are 3 types of people:-
  1. People who are already waking up early. They are excited, motivated, happy and completely in love with the process.
  2. People who think that the first category are completely insane. They don't want to wake up early. They are night owls who loves their sleep and hate wake up early.
  3. People who want to become early risers but they cannot do it.

How to Wake Up Early:
  • Gradually Roll Back The Clock ~ If you're somebody who wakes up at 7:00 am and now you want to start waking up at 5:00 am, Instead of rolling back 2 hours, roll it back 15 minutes. Start waking up at 6:45 am, get used to that. Get your entire body and entire system to start getting used to waking up a little bit earlier or else you are going to shock your system way too much. Gradual changes over time is going to make it much easier for you to start waking up early in a good and positive manner.
  • Be Consistent Even On The Weekends ~ We do completely different schedule on the weekends but doesn't mean that we should wake up late. You are going to confuse your body and system. When Monday comes, it's going to be much harder for you to start waking up early. 
  • Get Enough Sleep 
  • Jump Out Of Bed
  • Be excited About Your Morning

Wake up early can do change our life for better. We will be more motivated and have some morning time to think and get new ideas. Guys, even in Islam encourage us to start our day early by Subuh prayer which is before sunrise. Believe me, there must be a lot of benefits for us.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

First Time Mommy To Be

Being the first time mommy to be is one big unexpected nervous exciting experience happens in my life.

Bagi aku first time mommy to be memang nervous dan dalam waktu yang sama excited. Mix feelings.

Hari pertama period aku lambat, I was like "Betul ke ni?" hahaha

Aku Wasup kawan aku tanya na buat apa ni. Dia pun bagi nasihat suruh aku beli UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test) dan buat test tu awal2 pagi lepas bangun tido (Waktu paling afdal katanya).

Pukul 4 pagi aku terjaga and terus buat UPT test tu. To my shock, 2 lines appears quickly. I am pregnant? still in disbelief.

Disebabkan demam panas aku pergi klinik swasta na ambil ubat. Nasib baik aku mention pregnancy aku pada doktor dan dia bagi ubat yang boleh dimakan oleh ibu mengandung + Folic Acid. Untuk pengetahuan first time mommy yang tak tahu apa2, baca tips dibawah:

  • Ubat untuk Ibu mengandung adalah lain. Jadi kalau kita sakit pastikan kita cakap kita tengah pregnant supaya doktor bagi ubat yang sesuai
  • Folic Acid sepatutnya kita ambil awal2 lagi masa kita merancang na ada anak. Macam aku tak tahu apa2 da 5 minggu mcm tu baru ambil. Better ambil awal2 okay :-)

Waktu pregnancy aku masuk 6 minggu, aku pergi klinik swasta buat scan. Nampak kantung baby yang kecil je. Tengok gambar scan tu aku senyum je macam tak percaya.

Beberapa hari lepas tu baru aku pergi klinik kerajaan buat buku pink. Pastikan kita pergi klinik yang paling dekat dengan rumah kita. Dia akan tanya kita tinggal mana. Bawa sekali fotostat sijil nikah. Macam aku bawa fotostat sijil nikah and bil api (sebagai bukti tempat tinggal).

Lepas dapat buku pink bermulalah rutin ibu2 pergi buat pemeriksaan kandungan mengikut jadual. Waktu aku buat post ni aku sudah pun masuk 2nd Trimester. Na tunggu checkup tu memang penat tapi untuk kebaikan diri sendiri and baby better buat je dengan berdisiplin.

Good Luck First Time Mommy and Enjoy Our Pregnancy.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019


2019 is a new start for me....

A lot of things happens in the year of 2018. I am always grateful of what happens in my life bad or good.. Alhamdulillah.. Allah is the best planner

Wrap Up 2018..

"Kau akan mengalami pahitnya satu perjalanan sebelum kau menikmati sebuah kebahagian."

Tahun ni Aku mencari sesuatu yang baru, yang mencabar. I am looking for the joy of life.

2 quotes to share:

" The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience"

" Life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experience to enjoy"